The Perfect Goodies for Bonfire Night Posted by Yvonne Allmark on 21st Oct 2014 Hot on the hells of Halloween, comes Bonfire Night!And here at Allmark Sweets, we've got some excellent goodies for you to take along and munch on while you watch the fireworks go off.How about some Clotted Cream Fudge Bar to get you into the festive mood? What about some old school favourites? Remember Jolly Ranchers? Well they are BACK and are as delicious as ever! Buy a bag of Jolly Rancher Chews and share with your friends and family.And it's not Bonfire Night without some Marshmallow Fluff? It's available in vanilla AND strawberry. Yum yum yum!Get sorted for Bonfire Night early and avoid disappointment before stock runs out.